Thursday, January 13, 2011


This is going to be a fairly disjointed post, so bear with me. Last night, I caught myself thinking a lot about online relationships. Not dating sites, but friendships, communities, message boards, stuff like that. What is it about these relationships that make them so prone to the dreaded 'D' word, Drama?

Is it that people see these as 'disposable' friendships? They don't put the effort into creating or maintaining the relationship, so that some occurrence, were it to happen in meat-space would be talked over and hopefully resolved, causes the entire group or community to descend into 'he said, she said, you're mean, you lie, neener-neener'. And bystanders, who may not have been involved in the original disagreement, end up tossed willy-nilly by the electronic storm, damaging relationships that otherwise had no connection to the original.

Is it the anonymity of the bits and bites and pixels that make us think it's ok to act this way? I have an online business. I like to think that how I portray myself online, no matter which community, message board or chat room I'm in, is as close to the meat-me as possible. But look at all the spammers and scammers out there, who see an opportunity for a 'good deal' and swoop in for the kill.

Maybe I'll come up with some coherent thoughts to update this post with, but I'll leave it here for now. Just know that if you're talking to me online, you're getting the real me. No frosting, no fluff, just me. And I'm sorry if my being me bothers you, but my meat-space friends love me for who I am, so I see no reason to create a fake me for online use.

Unless I'm playing LOTRO, but that's a horse of a different color.

Monday, January 10, 2011


International round robin. It's where a group of quilters gets together & each one makes a center for a quilt. Then the centers get sent around the circle, each quilter adding a progressively wider border to the quilt until it returns back to the center's maker.

I'm participating in my first IRR, and this center has me stumped. Not for design, I know what I want to do, but for color. I've got a few ideas, but they look better in EQ7 than they do on my wall. I'm finishing this border out, will pin it to the wall, and hope it looks good completed instead of just portioned.

Here's my border, in EQ7 and pinned to my wall:

Ya know, I think it works. Hope you like it, Ghostrider! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Well, last January I said I'd try to update more often. I fell short of my mark, by a long shot, but it's a new year, lets see if I can do a bit better.

I am not one of those people who makes crazy New Year's resolutions, I know I won't follow through. I do, however, make note of goals for the upcoming year. Here's my current list (in no particular order)

~ Get through my pile of UFOs (For you non-crafters, that would be Un-Finished Objects)
~ Finish the website I started in Dec
~ Update my mother's website (Designs by J)
~ Keep up on the housework (UGH)
~ Pick up some good bookkeeping clients
~ Do more craft shows
~ Lose the rest of the baby weight

Not unreasonable goals, so we'll see how they go!

Thanks for sticking around, and happy new year!